My gift to Jesus

This time of year, most of us have cultural, familial, and guilt-induced obligations to bestow gifts on various ones near and (to one degree or another) dear to us.  For the Hammons family, thankfully, our holiday shopping is just about concluded.  (I deceive.  Apologies.  Tracie’s holiday shopping is just about concluded.)

But I keep hearing talk about Jesus being “the reason for the season.”  I like Kylie’s response to that saying — “That’s ridiculous,” she says.  “Jesus is the reason for everything.”  (They do make you proud, don’t they?) 


I have decided to be equal parts amused and annoyed at the sudden burst of righteous indignation against Donald Trump from his former supporters in the Republican party.  Turns out, he made an off-color remark in a private conversation that was disrespectful to women.  The horror.  And now he is too crass and vulgar to be their nominee.

Does anyone remember February?