
Future East Hill gospel meeting preacher Terry Francis said recently on his podcast, “It’s difficult to eat when you are the one serving the meal.”  I’ve seen many godly women demonstrate that principle in their dining rooms over the years.  It’s far more about helping others than feeding yourself. I can relate as the one…

Receiving Jesus

I was called on the carpet recently for using the term “receiving Jesus” — a term frequently used by those in the denominations to refer to finding grace, particularly in the absence of baptism or any other concrete act of obedience.  I then caught myself saying it twice in the very next sermon I preached, so I suppose the observation is valid.


Do you watch those “Fix Your Failing Business” sort of shows?  Restaurants, hotels, whatever — they’re all the same.  People with failing businesses invite in an expert, listen to their informed and professional opinions, and then launch into a litany of reasons why things are just fine as is and why the expert is an idiot.


I bought a package of roasted and salted Brazil nuts.  The package has a label.  The label includes a warning.  My nuts, it seems, were processed in a plant that produces nuts.  Wow.  That’s just, … what’s the word I’m looking for?