Eagle vs. Fox: The war for our souls

Wildlife photographer Kevin Ebi captured a series of photographs, one of which is included here, depicting an epic struggle between a bald eagle and a young red fox over a rabbit they both wanted for themselves.  The eagle, obviously far more powerful, was determined to have the rabbit.  But the fox would not give up.  Ultimately, though, it had to; it let go and dropped about 20 feet to the ground below, emerging unharmed.

Imagine for a moment that you are the rabbit.  God is the eagle.  Satan is the fox.  And don’t push the metaphor too far; God isn’t going to eat you for dinner, for instance.  Just go with it.



I was distracted on my drive in to work today by a high-flying flock of gliding birds.  They acted very much like buzzards, except they were too high up and occasionally showed flashes of white.  I finally decided they must have been bald eagles.

It was really quite inspiring. 

The Parable of the Rock Climber

She’s barely holding on.  She is losing feeling in her fingertips.  She became convinced a while back that starting this climb was a mistake in the first place, but by then she had no choice; it was continue upward or fall to certain death.  So she continued upward, on a journey she had already decided she could not finish. 

And then she stopped to take a rest.  It was never a long-term plan.  She just wanted to do anything but climb.  …