The wise way to eat a marmot

A couple in Mongolia recently ate raw marmot meat, which is apparently a thing in Mongolia.  It is believed to be a health boost by the locals.  (A marmot is a rodent, sort of like a woodchuck or large squirrel.  I prefer them braised or fricasseed, but that’s just me.)  The couple contracted bubonic plague and died — which I think we can all agree is pretty much the opposite of “a health boost.”

The resulting quarantine held up the lives of 118 locals and tourists for six days.  The danger appears to be over now, so our family vacation to Mongolia is back on.  Get back to packing, girls.


People are odd.  There are places in this country where, when something horrible (as they define “horrible”) happens, riots break out.  In those same places, when something wonderful (as they define “wonderful”) happens, riots break out.  I’m starting to wonder if maybe there are people in this world who just like to set fires, break stuff and steal things.