
A young girl ate a cookie.  And now she is dead.

It happened right here in Florida, just last month.  She was at a friend’s house.  The cookie had peanut butter in it.  She went into anaphylactic shock.  Her parents administered two EpiPens.  It was all for naught. She died about an hour later.

The story I read said she “accidentally” ate the cookie.  I have eaten many cookies in my day, and (without trying to sound dismissive) that is pretty much impossible.  She ate the cookie on purpose.  She ate peanuts,  and died, on accident.

She was well aware of the risks.  The box was clearly marked, although the warning was obscured.  She simply exercised a bit less caution than she had for her entire life — one time — and this was the consequence.

I hope this does not make me come across as anything less than sympathetic, to the girl, her family and friends, and countless others who suffer daily from the threat of similar circumstances.  My nephew has a horrible food allergy, one that has sent him to the hospital many times.  But his family reads labels.  They ask questions.  Every time.

It’s why we “examine everything carefully” (1 Thessalonians 5:21-22).  It’s the only way we can find the evil from which we must abstain.

Red Auerbach believed to his dying day that Len Bias, who was all set to become the Boston Celtics’ version of Michael Jordan, died the first time he tried cocaine.   Sin kills.  Sometimes it kills the first time you try it.  And how would you like to stand in judgment with a proud act of rebellion as the last notation on your page?

All it takes is one, even if it is an “accident.”  So make sure you don’t have the one.


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