
I spent the better part of the week at what Taylor delights in calling “preacher camp” while she and Tracie were riding out the hurricane.  Yes, I feel a bit guilty about that.  What can I say?  They made me go, and they wouldn’t let me come home early.  They had Elvis movies to watch.

 But I’m glad I went.  I met a few dozen preachers.  I sat at the feet of qualified and motivated instructors.  I grew as a preacher and a Christian.  Almost as importantly, I got ample fodder for articles such as this one.  Stay tuned.

One of the passages that was highlighted was 1 Corinthians 15:33.  It was pointed out that we generally refer to the warning about “bad company” in the context of moral error.  And certainly it has application there.  But the real warning is against evil doctrinal companions.  Some in Corinth were denying the resurrection, according to the surrounding verses.  Others were faltering on subjects ranging from fellowship to divorce to brotherly love to the Lord’s supper.  The truth had been taught, by Paul and by others, and presumably would continue to be taught.  Faithful brethren are to “share all good things with the one who teaches him” (Galatians 6:6) — and the “good things” are far more valuable than money.

Godly parents try to guard their children against immoral influences, and they should.  But do we show similar concern for doctrinal influences?  False teaching will take us to hell just as fast as ungodliness; we should show equal concern for both. 

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