
I have to admit, I am not a big fan of walkouts.  And I appear to be in the minority.  Everyone seems to be staging walkouts these days.  Generally, as I understand it, a walkout involves people abandoning their proper, useful activity such as school or work and spending their time instead telling people how righteous their cause is — as though school and work are not righteous causes themselves.

I’m not doubting the sincerity of the people involved, nor am I necessarily casting aspersions on their respective causes.  I’m just saying, it’s very convenient to pat yourself on the back for taking a day off.


A few more words about my experience with the (alleged) flock of eagles.  Birds of prey do not typically flock.  There is little reason.  They do not need to fend off predators.  They compete with one another over food sources.  And while some bald eagles migrate short distances, those in Florida do not; that eliminates the need for the aerodynamic advantage enjoyed by ducks and geese.

And yet bald eagles are frequently seen in large numbers. 

The Parable of the Rock Climber

She’s barely holding on.  She is losing feeling in her fingertips.  She became convinced a while back that starting this climb was a mistake in the first place, but by then she had no choice; it was continue upward or fall to certain death.  So she continued upward, on a journey she had already decided she could not finish. 

And then she stopped to take a rest.  It was never a long-term plan.  She just wanted to do anything but climb.  …


It was Election Day, and I had two choices.  I could go vote, then go to the office and pretend to try to get my work done when in fact I was just hovering over election “news” that came across my Facebook feed; or I could go vote, then take the day off and play board games with Tracie.  Guess which door I picked.